Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Quest for Six 49ers Playoff Campaign is AWESOME!

In my last post I compared all of the 8 remaining NFL Playoff teams in terms of their Playoffs marketing campaigns. Across the board it was pretty disappointing to see that most of the remaining NFL teams were doing the minimum as far as Playoff promotion on their websites.

I highlighted the QUEST FIR SIX campaign from the San Francisco 49ers and Today I wanted to check back in now that the deal is sealed and the team is on their way to the big show!

The Quest for Six Campaign includes photo sharing, social media and community activation all rolled into one promotion. The photo sharing aspect is truly at the heart of this promotion's success. Through the current popularity of the Instagram app. fans are posting photos using #questforsix. The hashtag is also being used to share on Twitter. Once the photos are posted they are collected on the Quest for Six landing page. To take the fan interaction even a step further, the photos can be voted on and the most popular photos bump to the top of the page. The photo collecting and voting functionality is powered by Pixlee at 

This promotion will go down as one of the most engaging and technology driven Playoff campaigns so far in Sports Marketing. Congrats to the 49ers and good luck in the Big Game!

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